Pig in a Wig in Space

Title of the performance: "Pig in a Wig in Space"

Creators: Sean Palmer, Martina Rampulla, Kuba Pałys (Great Britain / Italy / Poland)

Cast: Sean Palmer, Martina Rampulla, Kuba Pałys


Date: 31.08.2019 / Saturday /

Time: 11 am

Place: Room A_22 in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz

Tickets: 15 / 20 / 30 pln

Duration: 45 minutes (no intermissions)

Viewers' age: 2-8


All the children at the age of 4 to 8, together with their parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins and aunts, are welcome to see our play! We are going to take you to another world - far away, to the land of imagination, bold ideas and astounding music. At the same time, we promise that every word is going to be understood even by the youngest members of the audience. And the whole show is in English - from the ears to the curly tail. 

Can a small creature be a big dreamer? Of course! An even bigger one than the adults would have ever imagined, especially if it is an inquisitive piggy with a funny little button-like snout and an imaginative mind that is not just pink, but multi-coloured like an aurora! This awesome pet knows English and loves fascinating adventures. So one day it comes up with a great idea. It wants to fly into space. Inspired by the story of the famous astronaut dog named Łajka, it plans its intergalactic trip. Unfortunately, everyone around doubts that the mission can succeed and tries to persuade the piggy to stay at home. Will the mission be aborted? Will the flight take place? What does real bravery mean? Where do our dreams come true? You will learn answers to all these questions from our show.


Sean Palmer [1977, UK] dad, British actor, performer, musician, vocalist. He has been living in Poland for 19 years and for the last 13 he has been active in Early Stage. His talent can be heard on records released by the school. He collaborates with various Polish cultural institutions where he uses his voice to dub English cartoon characters. He can work wonders on the stage! His sense of humour and ground-breaking ideas inspire numerous artistic endeavours. Super reliable. As a father of two sons he either talks or keeps his peace. Then he swaps roles so that no one gets bored. ;) 

Martina Rampulla [1979, Italy] mom, actress, vocalist. In her daily life she uses Italian, English and Polish and in each of these languages she has something interesting to say. For years professionally and emotionally connected to Poland. She has performed on the stages of numerous theatres and participated in international festivals. She is a wife of the British actor Sean Palmer, and a mother. On stage, she uses movement and gesture in a very surprising way. Therefore, the shows in which she performs move everyone in the audience. 

Kuba Pałys [1981, Poland] musician, performer, composer. He has been on numerous musical journeys around the world, some of them unaccompanied. Brazil is his second home. While fluent in three languages, he can still understand himself. He has experience as a choir conductor, musical record arranger and children's theatre show music composer. He organises music workshops in many cities all over Poland. He has been collaborating with Sean Palmer for several years. Together they lead the POLIN choir and Early Stage teachers’ choir. His motto: music is for everyone!