Title: Performance "Democracy"
Creators: AKHE Engineering Theatre (Russia)
Direction, choreography: AKHE Engeneering Theatre
Cast: Maxim Isaev, Pavel Semchenko, Nick Khamov
Light: Alexandr Kurganskiy
Sound: Denis Antonov
Date: 31.08.2019 / Saturday /
Time: 8:15 pm
Place: Courtyard on Milionowa Street / 3 Tymienieckiego Street, entrance through Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz
Outdoor performance, with no seats, audience will be standing
Tickets: 20 / 30 pln
Duration: 60 minutes (no intermissions)
Viewers' age: 16 +
If someone was to paint a portrait of our times, it would be painted with oil. Oil is inextricably intertwined with the 20th century triumphant maxim – democracy. What will be its equivalent in the next century? What will emerge from a global deluge of terms, concepts and problems? AKHE actors literally dive in black sticky liquid and make barrels of oil brim over. With knives, bread-made sponges and slimy graffiti, they celebrate their raw swan song of the world's order as we know it.
AKHE Engineering Theatre from Petersburg is one of the most important and most original experimental theatres in Russia. It was founded in Saint Petersburg by two visual artists: Maksim Isaev and Pavel Semchenko. AKHE Theatre is a true "lethal mixture" – combination of happening, visual arts, installations, video art and photography. This group of artists always plays a provocative and perverse game with the audience, they put on shows among spectators who in turn fill up the structure provided by the artists. Due to an innovative approach to theatrical space and group members' experience in visual arts, AKHE Theatre is referred to as an optical theatre or a Russian engineering theatre. They think about themselves as organizers of space which for them is the main element of performance. They use simple language, full of legible signs and symbols which often draw on children cut-outs. They play with the form and leave things to the imagination. AKHE is a regular participant of theatre festivals in Russia and abroad. Group members cooperate with various theatre, for example: Derevo (Russia/Germany), Lantaaren (the Netherlands), Toihaus (Austria), Slava Polunin (Russia).