
Title: Performance "Wonderland"

Creators: Wonderland Collectief (Netherlands)

Direction: Makiko Ito

Dance: Manuela Tessi, Raoul Germano

Music: Alan ‘Gunga’ Purves (percussions), Felicity Provan (trumpet, voice), Nina Hitz (cello)

Light: Ellen Knops 


Date: 25.08.2019 / Sunday /

Time: 1 pm

Place: Workshop room / Gallery in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz

Tickets: 15 / 20 / 30 pln 

Duration: 40 minutes (no intermissions)

Vievers' age:  children from 2 years old with parents or adult guardians



The dancers and musicians of the Wonderland Collective invite the children to participate on stage in a theatrical adventure. They will provoke the curiosity and creativity of the children using special improvisational techniques. A unique show will emerge that might start in front of the audience, but will soon be played in tandem with the audience. Wonderland is an extraordinary experience for both children as well as their parents. A delightful party on stage!


Wonderland Collective is a collective of musicians and dancers under the creative direction of Makiko Ito, a choreographer and dancer from Japan. With Wonderland Collective she creates interactive performances with young children. In her work she collaborates with musicians that play an essential role in the interaction with the audience.

The shows of Wonderland Collective are based on a special improvisation technique, that makes every performance unique. The beauty and power of Makiko Ito is her strong communication with young children, who are touched by her and really are enjoying the performances.