Title: Performance "Pygmalion" / "Pigmalion"
Creator: Wojtek Ziemilski (Poland)
Direction: Wojtek Ziemilski
Stage design, director's cooperation, video: Wojtek Pustoła
Light: Karolina Gębska
Dramaturgy cooperation / Curator of the project "My mieszczanie": Tomasz Plata
Consultation: Sebastian Świąder
Production: Centrum Kultury w Poznaniu
Coproduction: Komuna// Warszawa
Cast: Rozalia Mierzicka
Premiere: 25.10.2014 (Poznan), 7-9.11.2014 (Warsaw)
Date: 01.09.2019 / Sunday /
Time: 5:30 pm
Place: Stage in Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Lodz
Tickets: 20 / 30 pln
Duration: 45 minutes (no intermissions)
Viewers' age: no limitations
Soppy story about a flower girl educated by a noble professor to become a true bourgeoise? Not at all. In "Pygmalion" there is something more important and interesting. It is more of a story about a training each one of us has to come through to participate in culture. It is about skills we need to acquire to gain respect. Wojtek Ziemilski takes from the "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw the main theme, turns it inside out and builds around it a special performative event. It is not exactly a theatre but more of an attempt to engage audience in the event during which we will pass not only knowledge but also emotional experience. As the director explains it: "It is an exercise in extreme empathy. We empathise with someone else. Not a character but his or her way of functioning in the world, moving around other, establishing relations."
Wojciech Ziemilski - Theatre director, visual artist. His works are on the border of theatre, visual arts and choreography. He completed a course on direction at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. Upon his return he co-worked with TR Warszwa – Variety Theatre in Warsaw (he is an author of video installation "Aktorzy"). He run dozens of workshops and trainings on new experimental forms in theatre – i.a. in the Theatre Institute and Historical Museum of the City of Kraków. Author of plays "Mała narracja", "Prolog", "Mapa" in which he explored new forms of documentary theatre. He writes articles about modern art and co-works with the BWA Warszawa Gallery.